Kitkit School is transforming learning and delivering powerful results for children, regardless of initial capacity and access to resources. Since Kitkit was developed in 2016, our partner organizations have helped make our growing impact possible, delivering Kitkit School to children and hard-to-reach communities across the globe.
Our comprehensive learning app has demonstrated…
Kitkit School is proud to be named the co-winner of the $15M Global Learning XPRIZE competition that challenges teams from around the world to develop open-source, scalable software that will enable children in developing countries to teach themselves basic reading, writing, and arithmetic.
XPRIZE, in partnership with UNESCO, World Food Programme, and the Tanzanian Ministry of Education, conducted a 15-month long field test with 3,000 children in Tanzania with its five finalists’ solutions in remote villages in Tanzania. About 450 children in 30 villages used Kitkit School. While all of the top-five finalists demonstrated learning gains, the prize was given to the top performers. Learn More
The Enuma, Inc. team is committed to promoting an inclusive and equitable quality education where all learners can succeed. As the tangible result of Enuma’s core commitment to deliver world-class learning solutions to every child in need, Kitkit School has been field-tested in a wide variety of settings with a wide spectrum of children, and has proven positive results for early learners, their families, schools, and communities.
Together with the International Rescue Committee and Imagine Worldwide, we are bringing Kikit School for Rohingya Learners to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. To date, over 900,000 Rohingya have fled violence and persecution in Myanmar to seek refuge in Cox’s Bazar, and over half of those displaced are children or adolescents. As an estimated majority of the Rohingya children are reported to have never participated in any form of schooling prior to and since arriving in Bangladesh, the need for quality educational services is extremely urgent.
We are honored to deliver our localized digital solution to homes and learning centers throughout the camp, alongside our dedicated partners, as part of a coordinated early response to this emergency.
2017 controlled trial in rural Tanzania revealed that Kitkit School was effective in improving learning outcomes in both in-school and out-of-school settings, building literacy and math skills for 100 students over three months in two test groups: 1) 6- to 10-year-olds in a community center, 2) a treatment group of Standard 1-3 students in a rural primary school.
Results are deeply encouraging, particularly in the context of Tanzania where 23.2% of 7- to 13-year-old children not enrolled in primary schools due to various barriers to school enrollment. Our results demonstrate that mobile technology approach as an educational tool has a great potential to facilitate “self-directed” learning for children in remote or fragile areas.
Xavier Project partnered with Enuma to improve access to quality education for 240 refugee and host community children using Kitkit School at the Kalobeyei Settlement of the Kakuma Refugee Settlement.
For the randomly selected subset of 35 students studied, the results were dramatic… especially for those who needed the intervention the most. With 30 minutes of independent learning daily with Kitkit School for 8 weeks, students in Kalobeyei Settlement increased their post-test scores by double-digit averages in both literacy and math.
Good Neighbors Rwanda partnered with Enuma, Inc. to equip students at Kagina Primary School in Kagina, Rwanda with basic English literacy and math skills to prepare them for the transition of the language of instruction from Kinyarwanda to English in Grade 4. From September to December 2018, 684 students participated in the 25-week Kitkit Session opportunity.
Students demonstrated significant learning gains with a positive correlation of intervention time to higher achievement.